यथा हि पुरुषः पश्येदादर्- शे मुखमात्मनः- ।
एवं सुदर्शनद्वीपो दृश्यते चन्द्रमण्ड- ले॥
द्विरंशे पिप्पलस्तत्र द्विरंशे च शशो महान्।।-
(भीम पर्व, महाभारत)
Hindi Meaning:-
अर्थ- जैसे पुरुष दर्पण में अपना मुख देखता है, उसी प्रकार यह द्वीप (पृथ्वी) चन्द्रमण्ड- ल में दिखाई देता है। इसके दो अंशों में पिप्पल (पीपल के पत्ते) और दो अंशों में महान शश (खरगोश) दिखाई देता है।
English Meaning:-
Just like a man sees his face in the mirror, so does the Earth appears in the Universe. In the first phase, you see Peepal leaves and the next phase you see a rabbit.
Based on this shloka, Saint Ramanujacharya sketched out the map, but the world laughed it off on seeing some leaves and a rabbit. Much later, when the picture was switched upside down, the reality struck in.
Don’t believe us, try turning the above picture upside down and you’ll know what I am talking about.