ॐ सांई राम
Doership of Deeds :
This is very well explained by Sai Baba in chapter 50 by the followingstory. Once Shri Vasudevanand Saraswati, known as Shri Tembye Swamiencamped, at Rajamahendri (Andhra Country), on the banks of Godavari.One, Mr. Pundalikrao, pleader of Nanded (Nizam State) went to see him,with some friends. While they were talking with him, the names ofShirdi and Sai Baba were casually mentioned. Hearing Baba's name, theSwami bowed with his hands; and taking a coconut gave it toPundalikrao, and said to him, "Offer this to my brother Sai, with mypranam and request Him not to forget me, but ever love me." After onemonth Pundalikrao and others left for Shirdi with the coconut.Unfortunately the fruit was broken that was entrusted to Pundalikrao.Fearing and trembling, he came to Shirdi and saw Baba. Baba had alreadyreceived a wireless message, regarding the coconut, from the TembyeSwami, as Himself asked Pundalikrao first to give the things sent byHis brother. He held fast Baba's Feet, confessed his guilt andnegligence, repented and asked for Baba's pardon. He offered to giveanother fruit as a substitute, but Baba refused to accept it sayingthat the worth of that coconut was by far, many times more, than anordinary one and that it could not be replaced by another one. Babaalso added- "Now you need not worry yourself any more about the matter.It was on account of my wish that the coconut was entrusted to you, andultimately broken on the way; why should you take the responsibility ofthe actions on you? Do not entertain the sense of doership in doinggood, as well as for bad deeds; be entirely prideless and egoless inall things and thus your spiritual progress will be rapid." What abeautiful spiritual instruction Baba gave!
* There is only one religion, the religion of Love; There is only one language,the language of the Heart; There is only one caste, the caste of Humanity; There is only one law, the law of Karma; There is only one God, He is Omni present.
* Start the Day with Love; Spend the Day with Love; Fill the Day with Love; End the Day with Love; This is the way to God.
* Hands that help are holier than lips that pray.
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