शिर्डी के साँई बाबा जी की समाधी और बूटी वाड़ा मंदिर में दर्शनों एंव आरतियों का समय....

"ॐ श्री साँई राम जी
समाधी मंदिर के रोज़ाना के कार्यक्रम

मंदिर के कपाट खुलने का समय प्रात: 4:00 बजे

कांकड़ आरती प्रात: 4:30 बजे

मंगल स्नान प्रात: 5:00 बजे
छोटी आरती प्रात: 5:40 बजे

दर्शन प्रारम्भ प्रात: 6:00 बजे
अभिषेक प्रात: 9:00 बजे
मध्यान आरती दोपहर: 12:00 बजे
धूप आरती साँयकाल: 5:45 बजे
शेज आरती रात्री काल: 10:30 बजे


निर्देशित आरतियों के समय से आधा घंटा पह्ले से ले कर आधा घंटा बाद तक दर्शनों की कतारे रोक ली जाती है। यदि आप दर्शनों के लिये जा रहे है तो इन समयों को ध्यान में रखें।


Tuesday, 6 December 2011


ॐ सांई राम
Shirdi Sai Baba is a very noble and highly developed Divine Spirit of God WHO took a human form more than 100 years ago and dwelled amongst ordinary souls in order to help them out of their meaningless existence. HE made his philosophy very simple so that ordinary mortals can work upon themselves and get their ultimate salvation. Shirdi Sai Baba is a pure'Avatar' who could have had anything but he chose ‘fakiri’ and throughhis conduct and adopted lifestyle taught ordinary folks the art ofloving, living, giving, sharing, caring, enjoying and achieving purpose of taking human body without being selfish. He taught us how we can bein this world and yet be detached from it and still achieve the purpose of taking human birth.

He came to GIVE and SPREAD message of universal LOVE, PEACE, HARMONY, EQUALITY and BROTHERHOOD transcending all kinds of man-made boundaries which separate human from human. GOD is ONE. God is beyond religion. The God was manifest in his form. He called himself Messenger of God.
Hinduism considers the 'Brahman' (universal life force,energy, prana, chi) as the ruler of all, the ultimate One.Sai explained it easily – Barring your body and name, what is left isthat feeling of being alive – this consciousness, awareness is You, the SELF. He advised the Believers to work on themselves. Meditate on the SELF (the consciousness) which existed in HIM and everyone alike inorder to make them realise that we are not separate but ONE. Says the Advaitin,“ Is not everything Brahman (energy) when the name and form have been removed from it?” “Is not He, the Lord, the innermost Self of everyone?” says the Vishishtadvaitin.

Thus God and Guruare One. Swami Vivekananda has explained it so well, “When any God or other beings areworshipped in and for themselves, such worship is only a ritualistic karma, and as a Vidya(Science) it gives us only the fruit belonging to that particular Vidya; but when the Devasor any other beings are looked upon as Brahman and worshipped, the result obtained is the same as by the worshipping of Ishvara (Supreme Divine)” Shirdi Sai Baba told us to destroythis wall (of ignorance) that separates US (the mortals) from HIM (theimmortal Self) that exists within each tiny cell, atom around us.
Sai Baba taught renunciation as means tomake life simple. This renunciation is nothing but simply offering all the actions to GOD. Leaving off our cleverness and logic and wait andtrust HIM for due results.

All the donations Sai received during day, he distributed the same throughout the day and by the end of the day his karma balance was zero. His attachment was NIL.

To achieve the prime object of life, HE advised us to develop Shraddha and Saburi in ourself, so that we can be free from the clutches of delusion (Maya) of this materialistic world which is holding us back life after life –separating us from our Source – the Creator – the Brahman.
Sai teachings were simple and yet so comprehensive - Perform the duties of the station of your lifesincerely. Leave aside worry. Surrender yourself completely to the God and trust HIM with results. Have firm faith in God/Guru and wait patiently. Whatever happens is ultimately for our good because DOERSHIP is not in our hands. HE knows what is good for us. Thus he is tellingus that spiritual life is to be pursued over physical life.
His message still continues and thoughhe is no more in human body but his spiritual existence and power isstill being felt by millions. His followers are growing in numbers unceasingly. His following eleven promises/ assurances still hold good provided his followers ACTUALLY believe and REALLY follow them with unshakable FAITH and PATIENCE.
1. No harm shall befall him, who stepson the soil of Shirdi.
2. He who comes to my Samadhi, hissorrow and suffering shall cease.
3. Though I be no more in flesh and blood, I shall ever protect mydevotees
4. Trust in me and your prayer shall beanswered.
5. Know that my spirit is immortal, knowthis for yourself.
6. Show unto me he who has sought refuge and has been turned away.
7. In whatever faith men worship me,even so do I render to them.
8. Not in vain is my promise that Ishall ever lighten your burden.
9. Knock, and the door shall open, askand it shall be granted.
10. To him who surrenders unto metotally I shall be ever indebted.
11. Blessed is he who has become onewith Me.
Sai Philosophy is so very deep, the deeper we dive into it, the sweeterthe nectar we receive as Blessings and Bliss.
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बाबा के 11 वचन

ॐ साईं राम

1. जो शिरडी में आएगा, आपद दूर भगाएगा
2. चढ़े समाधी की सीढी पर, पैर तले दुःख की पीढ़ी कर
3. त्याग शरीर चला जाऊंगा, भक्त हेतु दौडा आऊंगा
4. मन में रखना द्रढ विश्वास, करे समाधी पूरी आस
5. मुझे सदा ही जीवत जानो, अनुभव करो सत्य पहचानो
6. मेरी शरण आ खाली जाए, हो कोई तो मुझे बताए
7. जैसा भाव रहे जिस जन का, वैसा रूप हुआ मेरे मनका
8. भार तुम्हारा मुझ पर होगा, वचन न मेरा झूठा होगा
9. आ सहायता लो भरपूर, जो माँगा वो नही है दूर
10. मुझ में लीन वचन मन काया, उसका ऋण न कभी चुकाया
11. धन्य-धन्य व भक्त अनन्य, मेरी शरण तज जिसे न अन्य

.....श्री सच्चिदानंद सदगुरू साईनाथ महाराज की जय.....

गायत्री मंत्र

ॐ भूर्भुवः॒ स्वः॒
भ॒र्गो॑ दे॒वस्य॑ धीमहि।
धियो॒ यो नः॑ प्रचो॒दया॑त्॥

Word Meaning of the Gayatri Mantra

ॐ Aum = Brahma ;
भूर् bhoor = the earth;
भुवः bhuwah = bhuvarloka, the air (vaayu-maNdal)
स्वः swaha = svarga, heaven;
तत् tat = that ;
सवितुर् savitur = Sun, God;
वरेण्यम् varenyam = adopt(able), follow;
भर्गो bhargo = energy (sin destroying power);
देवस्य devasya = of the deity;
धीमहि dheemahi = meditate or imbibe

these first nine words describe the glory of Goddheemahi = may imbibe ; pertains to meditation

धियो dhiyo = mind, the intellect;
यो yo = Who (God);
नः nah = our ;
प्रचोदयात prachodayat = inspire, awaken!"

dhiyo yo naha prachodayat" is a prayer to God

भू:, भुव: और स्व: के उस वरण करने योग्य (सूर्य) देवता,,, की (बुराईयों का नाश करने वाली) शक्तियों (देवता की) का ध्यान करें (करते हैं),,, वह (जो) हमारी बुद्धि को प्रेरित/जाग्रत करे (करेगा/करता है)।

Simply :

तीनों लोकों के उस वरण करने योग्य देवता की शक्तियों का ध्यान करते हैं, वह हमारी बुद्धि को प्रेरित करे।

The God (Sun) of the Earth, Atmosphere and Space, who is to be followed, we meditate on his power, (may) He inspire(s) our intellect.